37th Annual Church Growth and Development Seminar
Monday, January 23, 2023 – Evangelism Certification
12:00PM – 2:00PM Registration & COVID Testing
1:00PM Opening Plenary
1:30PM Workshop #1: The Master’s Plan for Evangelism
Rev. Dr. Janet J. Sturdivant
2:45PM Break
3:00PM Workshop #2: The Ministry of Altar Call
Rev. Dr. Gregory Nelson
4:15PM Break
4:30PM Workshop #3: Campus Ministry Evangelism
Rev. Dr. Anton Elwood
5:45PM Dinner (included for registered attendees)
7:00PM Evening Worship and Anointing Service
Rev. Dr. Gregory Nelson, Preacher
Tuesday, January 24, 2023 – Evangelism Certification
7:30AM – 10:00AM Registration
7:30AM Continental Breakfast
8:00AM Opening Devotions
8:30AM Opening Gathering
9:00AM Workshop #4: Reaching the Masses
Rev. Clay Holliday
10:15AM Break
10:30AM Workshop #5: How to Defend Our Faith
Rev. Dr. Mark Crutcher
11:45AM Lunch (included for registered attendees)
1:30PM Certification Ceremony and Sending Forth
3:00PM – 8:00PM Registration and COVID Testing
7:00PM Opening Worship Service
Bishop Joseph W. Walker III, Preacher
Wednesday, January 25, 2023 – Church Growth Seminar
7:00AM – 12:00PM Registration and COVID Testing
7:30AM Continental Breakfast
8:30AM Morning Glory
Morning Meditation: Rev. Clay Holliday
9:00AM Introduction: Our Theme For The Year
Rev. Dr. Virgil Woods, Dean
9:15AM Workshop #1: F.I.S.Hing Differently
Rev. Dr. Sidney S. Williams
10:30AM Break
10:45AM Workshop #2: Let Them Praise
Rev. Amani K. Henry
12:00PM Lunch (included for registered attendees)
1:15PM Workshop #3: By The Renewing Of Your Mind 2.0 –
Caring for Mental Health Now
Rev. Dr. Danielle J. Buhuro
2:45PM Break
3:00PM Workshop #4: A Mixed Methodology –
Preaching & Leading from Office to Pulpit
Rev. Dr. Kelly U. Farrow
4:30PM Dinner (on your own)
6:00PM – 8:00PM COVID Testing
7:00PM Evening Worship Service
Bishop E. Anne Henning Byfield, Preacher
Thursday, January 26, 2023 – Church Growth Seminar
Registration Closed:
Please contact Rev. Carolyn Cavaness at 973-704-1631 or cccphilly@gmail.com to secure registration kits on Thursday.
7:30AM Continental Breakfast
8:30AM Morning Glory
Morning Meditation: Rev. Carolyn C. Cavaness
9:00AM Workshop #5
Rev. Dr. Anton G. Elwood
10:30AM Break
10:45AM Workshop #6
Rev. Matthew L. Watley
12:00PM Lunch for registered attendees
1:00PM Workshop #7: Preparing for the Future of the Black Church
Rev. LaKesha Womack
2:30PM Break
2:45PM Panel Discussion
4:30PM Dinner (on your own)
6:00PM – 8:00PM COVID Testing
7:00PM Closing Worship Service
Preacher: Rev. Matthew L. Watley
Church Growth Seminar Workshop Descriptions
Workshop #1: F.I.S.H ing Differently - Developing new metrics for sustainability and social impact among smaller congregations serving under-resourced communities. Tell your story.
Rev. Dr. Sidney S. Williams
Workshop #2: Let Them Praise - Looking at how we can load up the gifts of the arts and artists for God's glory and the building of His Kingdom.
Rev. Amani K. Henry
Workshop #3: By The Renewing Of Your Mind 2.0 – Caring for Mental Health Now - Are you and your church members dangling on the edge of depression and despair? How do you care for the mental health of you and your parishioners in the midst of pandemics and police violence? This workshop will help participants integrate mental health wellness with ministry objectives and outcomes. Participants will learn how to integrate and facilitate mental health strategies for themselves and persons in their care experiencing a mental crisis during various ministry gatherings. Participants will gain useful tools in employing Mental Health First Aid and long term psychological referrals. In the spirit of Romans 12:2, the ultimate reflective question we will ask, “In 2023, do we transform and renew our minds now more than ever?”
Rev. Dr. Danielle J. Buhuro
Workshop #4: A Mixed Methodology – Preaching & Leading from Office to Pulpit - Strong sermons curate ethical business and ethical business creates powerful preaching. Join this conversation as we talk about how your preaching methodology can effect how efficiently church business operates.
Rev. Dr. Kelly U. Farrow
Workshop #7: Preparing for the Future of the Black Church - Christian Futurist and Founder of Rethinking Church Strategies, Rev. LaKesha Womack, provides key insights for church leaders to understand as they prepare for the church of the future. From understanding digital discipleship concepts to community engagement strategies, Rev. Womack will have ideas flowing for you to implement in your church and community. The presentation will focus on rethinking how we conceptualize the church experience to meet the news of our current society.
Rev. LaKesha Womack
37th Church Growth and Development Seminar and Evangelist Certification COVID Protocols as of November 1, 2022.
Your safety is important to us.
All CDC Guidelines and Protocols will be in place.
Masks are required at all times except when eating or drinking.
Wash hands regularly and use hand sanitizer. Practice social distancing when possible.
Prior to arrival to the 35th Church Growth and Development Seminar and Evangelist Certification:
Vaccinated Participants will be asked to upload their Vaccination Card that shows at least the primary vaccine doses & one booster shot completed. In addition, will be required to provide proof of a negative PCR Test taken 72 hours prior to arrival.
Unvaccinated Participants will be required to provide proof of a negative PCR Covid test taken 72 hours prior to their arrival.
Onsite Testing will be required for ALL Church Growth Seminar Participants.
More details will be communicated via email for procedures for uploading your vaccination cards and testing results.