Bishop Sarah Frances Davis Covenant Keepers and Intercessors
The mission of the Bishop Sarah Francis Davis Covenant Keepers and Intercessors (aka BSFDCK & I) is to serve as a conduit and covering for global prayer at every level within the Connectional African Methodist Episcopal Church. It the task of the Ministry to proffer domestic and international intercessory prayer on behalf of the Episcopacy and/or their respective
Districts, General and Connectional Officers and their concerns, and issues in and apart from our Zion, to conduct spiritual mapping, and establish specific moments of prayer and fasting in preparation for Connectional Meetings and other events.

Bishop Sarah Frances Davis

Rev. Dr.
Patricia Ann Southerland McAllister

Rev. Tyra L. Frazier
Assistant Coordinator
The late Rt. Rev. Sarah Frances Davis was a woman of great faith who believed in the power of
prayer. Her journey in formal prayer ministry began when she was appointed District Prayer
Leader by one of her ministry mentors, the late Presiding Elder X.L. Williams. Under the
leadership of the late Dr. George Lovelace Champion Sr., Executive Director, Department of
Worship and Evangelism (now the Department of Church Growth and Development), Bishop
Sarah was appointed as the Assistant Director of Prayer for the Connectional Church in 1994 and
in 1997, was appointed as the Connectional Director of Prayer.
Bishop Sarah’s election to the Episcopacy on July 6, 2004, only heightened her commitment to
prayer and the necessity for prayer on a global scale. Affectionately known as the “Prayer
Bishop” because of her consistent emphasis on the importance of prayer in the life of the Church,
she organized numerous prayer ministries and sponsored annual prayer conclaves. The spiritual
discipline she loved most to teach and preach about was prayer.
She served as the Chairperson for the Prayer Committee for the 48th Quadrennial Session of the
General Conference of the A.M.E. Church. As a result of her leadership, the first Connectional
Day of Prayer in African Methodism was held April 13, 2008 and is now an annual observance
in the A.M.E. Church. April 13th was chosen because it is reflective of when Bishop Richard
Allen walked out of St. George Church and started the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Bishop Sarah was passionate about Kingdom building. Accordingly, at the time of her transition,
2013, she was the Chair of the Commission on Church Growth and Development AME Church.
During her tenure in the 16th District, she brought 400-plus members from the country of France
into the A.M.E. connection, expanding the influence of the gospel and African Methodism
throughout Europe Ever the trailblazer and “out of the box” thinker, Bishop Sarah made it possible for members of African Methodism worldwide to experience the rich culture and history of the members of the 16th Episcopal District and to the amazing people of this District.
The BSFDCK & I builds upon Bishop Sarah’s phenomenal spirit-filled, spirit-led legacy.
In 2012, Bishop Sarah approached The Rev. Dorisalene Hughes, to seek her assistance in
propelling the Connectional Prayer Ministry to even greater heights. Bishop Sarah then
developed a Connectional Prayer Ministry Executive Leadership Team for the Quadrennial. This
Leadership Team comprised of Presiding Elder Dr. LaTisha Smith, Evangelist Dr. Valeria
Eloby-Slade, The Rev. James Hailey, The Rev. Dorisalene Hughes, The Rev. Dr. Roy Jones Jr.,
Exhorter Danita Mosley, The Rev. Greg Nettles, Evangelist Faith Walker Bean, and Dr. Sandra
Whitley, were charged with the task and responsibility to establish the Connectional Prayer
Ministry in all the Episcopal Districts and to ensure that each District has significant
representation within the Ministry. In the ensuing years since her passing, Bishops E. Earl
McCloud, A. J. Richardson, and the late McKinley Young added members to the Executive
Leadership Team.
As it had been done in 2000, 2004 and 2008, the Connectional Prayer Ministry is always charged
to provide prayer covering for every General Conference. This includes but is not limited to on
the ground prayer covering and “Beyond the Walls” prayer support for Street Ministry
Evangelism Teams, the creation of on-site, 24-hour prayer rooms, the development of times of
teaching on prayer facilitated by selected Bishops of the Church, and the facilitation of early
morning prayer prior to the start of each morning business session.
The BSFDCK & I rests under the Department of Church Growth and Development AME Church
and is responsible to and reports to the Executive Director of the Department, who in turn
answers to the Department’s Commission Chair, the Commission Chair’s Designated
Representative, and/or The Appropriate Episcopal Designee.
We have been privileged to receive tremendous Episcopal leadership from The Rt. Rev. Vashti
M. McKenzie, The Rt. Rev. E. Earl McCloud, The Rt. Rev. A. J. Richardson, The Rt. Rev. Harry
Seawright, The Rt. Rev. McKinley Young (deceased), and yes, The Rt. Rev. Sarah Frances
Davis, in whose memory this Connectional Prayer Ministry is honored to receive as its name.